March 2013 MEMUG

By nick.moseley

Augmenting Your Windows Management Strategy with ConfigMgr Task Sequences Configuration Manager 2012 has simplified Windows management with the new Application model. However, some systems management challenges are too complex for any general-purpose tool. Come learn how to extend your coverage with Task Sequences to manage your Windows environment. We will cover scenarios detailing when to…

February 2013 MEMUG

By nick.moseley

AppV 5 presentation Demo’s include IIS and AppV5 Learn what “shared Cache” is See the new Metro IIS Interface Appv 5 sequencer AppV 5 and SCCM 2012 Sp1 integration Powershell and appv 5 Refreshments will be provided by Catapult Systems and FyrSoft Date:     Friday Feb 22nd, 2012 Time:              3PM – 5PM MST Location:        Microsoft…