September 2014 MEMUG

By nick.moseley

Topics covered this month: 1.  RemoteApp, presented by Joe Kuster of Catapult Systems: What is Microsoft RemoteApp Live demo of running native Windows apps on an iPad and Android from Azure RemoteApp Overview of how to set up a FREE Azure Remote app preview Q & A All hands on, no slides! 2.  ConfigMgr open…

Resources – August 2104 MEMUG

By nick.moseley

Presentation materials from the August 2014 MEMUG can be downloaded from the following OneDrive link.  Included is: Chris Ross’ slide deck for the System Center 2012 R2 ServiceManger playbook Jason Morgan’s intro to Desired State Configuration (DSC) in PowerShell DSC PowerShell Examples!108&authkey=!AKEICupK9AT-LTY&ithint=folder%2cpptx